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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and trends. Hope you have a nice stay!

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

Most of us avoid wearing too much pink or we avoid buying it altogether because we don't want to look too girlie. Normally, like most women, I prefer to wear dark colors because they flatter my figure and are easier to match. But I found this pale pink, lace top that looked perfect with the white jeans I featured on a previous blog. The key to wearing pink is to find a shade of it that accentuates your skin tone. For me it's this pale pink but for you it might be a little more bold. Depending on the intensity of the pink you choose, the other pieces in your outfit should be along the same color scheme. I matched my pale pink top with white jeans and nude heels and handbag. I prefer to keep the pieces in my outfits on the same color scheme because it's important to define my silhouette. Don't be afraid to wear pink and feel pretty.


La mayoría de nosotras evitamos comprar ropa color de rosa por no vernos demasiado juveniles. Normalmente, al igual que la mayoría de las mujeres, yo prefiero lucir colores oscuros porque acentúan mi figura y son más fáciles de combinar. Pero encontré esta blusa color rosa pálido de encaje que combina perfecto con los jeans blancos que presente en un blog anterior. La clave para llevar rosa es encontrar una sombra que acentúa tu tono de piel. Para mí es este rosa pálido pero para ti puede ser un poco más intenso. Dependiendo de la intensidad del rosa que elijas, las otras piezas en tu atuendo deben estar en el mismo esquema de colores. Yo combine mi blusa rosa pálido con jeans blancos y tacones y bolso color piel. Prefiero mantener todas las piezas en mi atuendo en el mismo esquema de colores porque es importante definir mi silueta. No tengas miedo vestir de rosa y sentirte bella.

How to wear long dresses this spring

How to wear long dresses this spring

How to wear lightweight jackets

How to wear lightweight jackets